Friday, May 29, 2020

Alexandra Levits Water Cooler Wisdom The Benefits of Self-Managed Teams

Alexandra Levit's Water Cooler Wisdom The Benefits of Self-Managed Teams A topic that is close to our collective heart is the self-managed team. A self-managed team isa group of employees thats responsible and accountable for all or most aspects of producinga product or delivering a service, and according to the Houston Chronicle, 80 percent ofFortune 1000 companies use them in some capacity. Self-managed teams are licensed by asenior leader to operate independently and are given the resources necessary to meet pre-determined business objectives. Some of the benefits weve observed are as follows:Streamlined Operations One of the reasons workers like startups so much is that being on a smaller team means theyhave to cut through less red tape in order to do their jobs. Self-managed teams employ thesame concept of team ownership (i.e. action can be taken without the extra step of seekingapproval within a traditional hierarchy). Less bureaucracy means faster product or servicedelivery, which equals lower costs and increased profits.Clarity of Direction Self-managed teams use regularly scheduled meetings to ensure that members are on thesame page in terms of the best way to move forward. They gain consensus on a small scale andthen quickly proceed, avoiding problematic situations like receiving conflicting marching ordersfrom different executives and remaining in a holding pattern until some piece of essentialcommunication trickles down the line.

Monday, May 25, 2020

6 Common Mistakes Women Make At Work [CCG Podcast #6]

6 Common Mistakes Women Make At Work [CCG Podcast #6] Listen to the Podcast Click play above or  right click here and save link as  to download or subscribe on iTunes  here on this link.   Subscribe  on  your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud Show Topics: 6 mistakes that women make at work Interview with Mona Abdel-Halim: Resume writing and advice Reader Question: Studying/Working abroad 6 Common Mistakes Women Make At Work Transcript: Hi, this is Anna Runyan from, and welcome to podcast #6! Today in the podcast I am going to go over the six mistakes women make at work that hold them back, then we are going to listen to the interview about resume writing and advice from the Founder of Resunate, Mona Abdel-Halim. Then I am going to answer a question from a reader in the get unstuck course about working abroad. So let’s get started with the six common mistakes women make at work. These mistakes I recently heard at a seminar at my work by Mary Davis Holt, the Author of Break Your Own Rules. She is a partner at Flynn Heath Holt Leadership (FHHL) whose goal is to move women and organizations forward, faster. She is an executive coach and keynote speaker on business, women, and leadership.   My company occasionally offers webinars which I think are really important and I know a lot of companies offer them but it is really hard to find the time to actually attend them because we are all so busy.   So next time a free training comes up, take it and listen.   So the mistakes that women make at work. 1) Many women seek approval before moving forward. The leaders of my company suggested that we don’t seek approval., instead drive change and make things happen, 2) Being overly modest about their accomplishments.  Project personal power exude executive stature, come prepared with your game face and radiate confidence 3) Playing it safe or opting out.  Get feedback before you quit or make a rash decision (Sheryl Sandberg is famous for her videos which I have played on my blog here.), don’t think it is all or nothing, you never know where you might wind up in 5 years so think long term and not just short term when you are making important decisions. 4) Worrying too much about what others thing and not taking center stage. Women are often worried about what others think, but the leaders of my company advise us to take center stage â€" say what you want others can be responsible for themselves, don’t worry about others, say what you want, others can be responsible for themselves. I know I am often worried about others career development at my company so this tip hit home because everyone really needs to be responsible for themselves and I must worry about myself as much as possible. 5) Avoiding office politics. Many women work really hard but they don’t develop the right relationships within the company. Mingle and observe, develop relationships with the influential players at your company because it isn’t about how hard you can work, instead, it is who you know. 6) Playing it safe. Instead, play to win â€" take chances don’t play to be safe, fear is good â€"it makes you grow.   Recognize the fear, be courageous and don’t be afraid to try it and give it a shot. Moral of the story: You are responsible for your own career and you have to take charge to be successful. I hope you found these tips helpful and maybe you noticed some mistakes that you might be making at work.   If you would like to read more about this, I highly recommend the book Nice Girls Don’t Get The Corner Office by Lois Frankel. Now we are going to listen to my interview with Mona Abdel-Halim â€" Interview #4 about resume writing advice.   If you are frustrated applying to jobs over and over again online and are looking for a way to make your resume more unique and stand out, you definitely want to listen to this interview. Click here to watch the video and read the transcript with Mona Abdel-Halim. Thoughts From the Mona Interview Alright, I hope you enjoyed the interview with Mona. My favorite parts of the interview are when she said that even if you pick one career path, you don’t have to stick with it and you can choose other areas as well. I think many people go to school and get a job and then feel like they have to stick it out because that is what they went to college or got their masters in .   I agree with Mona that you can have many jobs and careers and it is all about what fits you best and what you are passionate about.   I know my career path has changed a lot in the 7 years since I graduated college and I think that is just a part of growing up and learning about yourself more. So here is a question from a reader, Amanda I know I want to do something with art galleries/museums or baking and I want to move to Europe (specifically Paris or Italy). However, I have NO IDEA how to make that happen. I was wondering if you have any advice? I dont know where to start and its scary. But I know its what would make me truly happy! Help!”   I think all of us have been in a similar situation. We have all these opportunities and don’t know what direction to go in. I was in a similar situation after college, I wanted to live abroad and travel.   But, I was fortunate enough to study abroad in college, so I kind of knew what it would be like to live abroad after college. So, here are some of the questions I would ask yourself and my proposed solution of how you should go forward and maybe you are in a similar situation and this is perfect for you as well. First you have to focus on making a choice. Amanda has a lot of choices; she could move to Paris, Italy,   she could work in an art gallery, museum job, or a baking/cooking job. All of these five choices are clogging her mind and making it very overwhelming. I have been there. And I know you need to narrow it down in order to focus on getting one of these done. Because they are all so different it will be hard to get all of these done.   She needs to narrow it down and focus.   Because moving to Paris is very different from getting a baking job in the US. Brainstorm for 15 minutes or talk to a good friend just to narrow it down. So first narrow down all the possibilities and find the top thing you would love to do by listing all the positives and negatives. Here are the questions I would ask yourself and think about.   One of my questions would be if you want to teach English abroad or volunteer abroad? These are two possible options. Have you ever been to Paris, Italy, or France?   This might help you figure out if you have been there before and enjoyed it, then you already know you would like it. If you have never been there you might want to do more research. You know Paris is pretty and nice and has great coffee, but is it a place you just want to travel to or to actually live in because those are two very different things and you can travel and get great experiences and sometimes it is even more fun to travel than to work abroad. Another question would be: do you just want to travel there first to figure out if it is somewhere where you would want to live in the future? Have you worked in or volunteered in an art gallery or museum before? Do you just think it would be cool or are you sure you would enjoy it, and have you researched it?   Have you researched career options for baking or will this just be a hobby?   Baking is a great thing and I am sure there are some career options. You could start your own cookie shop or something, but you may not enjoy cooking anymore if you are actually doing it for a business. Also, have you talked to anyone who has or is currently working abroad? Because this would give you a lot of insight on what it is like. Hopefully, you could find someone on Linkedin or at  your school So my next advice is to focus and finalize and narrow down the one option.   Then list out all the things that you need to do to make that one choice happen. List out everything. like looking at finances, and research work options, do informational interviews, and make sure you are as knowledgeable as you can be. If you are going to work for a program abroad, she might need to get a passport or a visa or apply to a program. You can’t just say in two months I want to be in Italy, you have to make a timeline and checklist. And make a time to complete each thing on the list and figure out what you need to get done sooner. Get the small things done soon and you will be surprised and you will move down that list if you just focus on one thing at a time. So that is how you can make it happen. I will also list some websites and resources about working abroad. MyWorld Abroad 5 Essentials to Securing a Job Abroad | The Muse A Guide to Working Abroad After Graduation 5 Traveling Career Options for Jet-Setting Millennial Women Alright, thank you so much for listening to the Classy Career Girl Podcast! Remember that I love hearing from you! Let me know what you are thinking of the podcast and please send in your questions because I love answering them as well. Have a fabulous week everyone! Talk to you next week!

Friday, May 22, 2020

Hand Gestures You Should Avoid When Talking

Hand Gestures You Should Avoid When Talking Try having a discussion with your arms at your side and without moving them. Weird, right? We always talk with our hands whether we know it or not. But are your hands saying the right things to hiring managers during interviews? Your words may not be matching your hand gestures. Here is some advice for using hand gestures when you speak and the hand gestures you should be avoiding.Warning!Cultures vary, so hand gestures that work for you in your job market may send a very negative message in another job market. Research what works and what not to do especially if you are interviewing with companies overseas. Here are some interesting examples of hand gestures and their perceptions around the world.1. Do Not Leave Your Hands IdleImagine watching someone talk for hours without ever moving his or her hands. You might think the person is either drugged or numb.Moving your hands while you speak will illustrate to the audience that you understand what you are talking about. If you stop usi ng your hands, the audience will start to understand you less because your hands illustrate key points they should be paying attention to.2. Never Keep “Both” Hands in Your PocketTry this yourself:Read a portion of the famous paragraph below with one hand in your pocket and the other hand extended. Now, read the same paragraph with both hands in your pocket.We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.Do you notice the difference when you speak? One hand in the pocket feels confident and laid back while both hands in pockets almost feels like you are hiding and nervous about what you are saying.Granted, the “one hand in my pocket” hand gesture may not always work. But if you have a naturally intimidating presence, it may help keep others comfortable. If not, try talking with both hands OUT of your pocket.3. Know the Right Times to Cross Your ArmsOne of the most identifiable hand gestures known is crossing your arms. Everyone from babies to adults cross their arms when they wish to close themselves off. It is a way of saying, “I am done listening. I am closing you out.” Needless to say, this body language is not approachable.What you will see many do to show they are listening and welcoming, or displaying leadership and control, is to hold their arms extended almost in a position that resembles a “Jesus Christ” pose. The arms are extended, welcoming, and in many ways look like an offer of a hug.Oddly, people are naturally conditioned to avoid or stop talking to people with crossed arms, yet we find those with open arms to be welcoming and charismatic.4. Avoid the Wringing of Your HandsWringing your hands looks like you are tense, nervous, or in some cases, uncontrollably upset. You may see different types of this gesture such as:Wringing your hands by holding the palms together and moving them back and forth like an evil scientist with a plan! Wringing your hands by cupping your hands and moving them slowly. This looks like you are praying for help in some strange way or begging for forgiveness. Interlacing your fingers and wringing your hands also looks like you are nervous and trying to figure exactly what is wrong while you are talking.Important: The worst is “clenched fist” ringing of the hands. This is always perceived as aggression and looks as if a person is about to start throwing punches or wants tohurt someone.5. Avoid Hand Gestures That Look FakePeople today are starving for authenticity. The last thing you want to do is try to fake it. If you are lacking confidence and start using these hand gestures to cover up your true will look silly.For example, have you ever seen a public access TV commercial? A local business owner is nervous about being on television, so he or she tries to look confident by using hand gestures they read about online. And they end up looking silly and downright hilarious.The best thing you can do to make sure your hand gestures do not backfire is practice until the uncomfortable feeling of being expressive with hands goes away. When you learn to work it into your natural way of speaking, it will come across as authentic. If you do not, you may end up looking like a person from these bad commercials.In conclusionYou are always talking with your hands. Just do not fall into the bad habits seen below:Not moving hands Both hands in pockets Crossing arms Hand-wringing Fake gesturesThe more authentic you are to people, the more they will see you as a positive person to work with and quite possibly a great leader!

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Top 5 Overlooked Expenses for Small Families - Classy Career Girl

The Top 5 Overlooked Expenses for Small Families If you have a family, you may be  concerned about money and its ability to influence their career  and life goals and dreams.  It may seem with all of the expenses that come with feeding, clothing, educating and caring for your children, that travel, career changes and other luxuries that youve always wanted  are now impossible. If you are one of these women, its the perfect time to take another look at your finances with a different way  of thinking.  Analyzing and getting super focused on every single expense you make.  Unless you are already religiously practicing a minimalist lifestyle, the most important first step is to reconsider what expenses are absolutely  necessary. We’ve compiled a list of the top  five costs that when considered next to the well-being of your kids,  may be areas that you can cut back in your budget. The Top 5 Overlooked Expenses for Small Families Expense #1:  Beverages Whether it is a four dollar coffee, five dollar milkshake, or three dollar bottle of water, beverages are a silent bank account killer. Personal financial advisors often discover that this can total upwards of $300 per month for families of three to four. Water is truly the only beverage you and your kids need and we think that your wallet will agree. Expense #2:  Eating Out While most families seem to spend wisely on cheap breakfast options, many opt to take their children out to lunch and dinner multiple times a week. While restaurants can be fun and worthwhile, ask yourself whether that weekly total of $200 is worth it when you could have purchased as much food for $50 at a grocery store. Having more quality down time with your kids around the family dinner table never hurt anyone. Plus, you may even eat healthier when you are cooking at home. Expense #3:  Home Layout Many people from less fortunate parts of the world would tell you  the need for each of your two children to have their own rooms is a bit luxurious. How much is that extra room raising the price of your house? Consider comparing the price of your home to other homes with just one room for your children. You may just find that your children enjoy their new bunk-bed anyways and build a better relationship living in the same room instead. Expense #4:  Electronic Entertainment Cable television has somehow become a necessity in the eyes of many of us in America. In reality, cable TV  has been in existence for just 60 years. Not to mention if educating a smart child is one of your dreams, it can’t hurt to encourage reading while discontinuing that expensive cable subscription. Turns out, books are relatively less expensive and much more enriching. Expense #5:  The Phone Bill The smart phone has taken the U.S by storm. Where would we be without it? Turns out, you would probably remain where you are, except a bit more financially comfortable. That extra $400 per year could easily cover a truly necessary cost such as dental insurance and health insurance. When compared with the importance of your child’s healthy smile, the latest phone application becomes obsolete. Aside from the expenses on  the actual phone, also consider the monthly bill for service that you pay. What expenses are you going to try to decrease? Let us know in the comments below!

Friday, May 15, 2020

5 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Invest in Lifelong Education - Career Pivot

5 Powerful Reasons Why You Should Invest in Lifelong Education - Career Pivot Lifelong Education Copyright: toltemara / 123RF Stock Photo As knowledge is shared more widely around the world, you need to constantly stay updated on new information. A college degree or professional certifications are undoubtedly valuable in the course of a career, but they don’t provide a fraction of the learning that’s available to you. Graduating from school shouldn’t mean that your learning experience is over. Far from it â€" it’s of utmost importance to keep educating yourself throughout your life and it’s never too late to do that. So, discard the issue of age and consider these 5 good reasons to keep your education going. More Knowledge and Better Skills First off, lifelong education allows you to build up greater skills and acquire more knowledge. The motives for doing that are various â€" a desire for career advancement, mastering a hobby or learning a new language, to name a few. No matter what your motives are, you can always find resources to increase your knowledge and develop your skills fast and cheap. Online webinars, educational sites and apps, informational DVDs, massive open online courses, and other opportunities are very easy to find. The Interne, in particular, is making education accessible and provides valuable learning experiences. And if you have more time â€" there are always good old offline methods such as attending courses or seminars. Of course, superior knowledge and a wider skillset make you more valuable to organizations of all kinds, which leads us to the next point. Faster Career Progress Decades ago, a university degree could pave the way to a great career, but in today’s world of changing technology, you need to do more. Needless to say, more job offers go to those with a well-rounded education and a versatile skillset. Simply put, candidates who provide genuine expertise are of more value. What the right education can do is maximize your career potential for getting raises, promotions, or landing a better job. You can even gain the skills and knowledge to launch your own business and control your own future. Consequently, better education means taking on greater responsibilities and earning more money. So, if you’re unsatisfied with your present employment, lifelong education can open the door to more rewarding opportunities. Broader Point of View Malcolm Forbes once said that the purpose of education was to replace an empty mind with an open mind. New facts and concepts help provide a deeper understanding of our own lives, and learning the information you need broadens your outlook and helps you maintain an open mind. Knowledge creates people with less prejudice and more appreciation of different cultures, tastes, and lifestyles. For instance, learning a foreign language will lead to curiosity about the traditions and history of the people who speak that language. Familiarity with other languages and customs not only enrichens your personal life, but it also makes you more valuable to companies with international or cross-cultural clients. The ability to communicate more effectively with different groups is only one of the benefits that learning can provide to your career path. So remember â€" if you learn a new thing, you never know what door that might open. Self Confidence and Well Being People who are well-educated enjoy greater confidence and less stress. Additional knowledge helps us to prepare for and resolve more complex issues and carry on more in-depth discussions. The more skills you have, the greater your sense of self-worth. How can this reflect on your work? Well, when you are more confident, your job satisfaction grows, which also leads to a better productivity. Listen to the most recent episode A better psychological outlook also improves overall health: reducing stress over failure, finances, or job security promotes physical wellness. Education is also important as we age because mental exercise helps our minds to stay sharp, which lowers the chances of developing Alzheimer’s or dementia. This surely sounds like a good reason to keep those gray cells active at all times. Pleasant Experience To maintain contentment, your life needs to have an enjoyable work-life balance. Long hours and hard work without sufficient time to unwind impair both your health and your efficiency. Learning doesn’t have to be one of the things that cause stress; it can be a pleasant and even exciting experience. If you focus on improving the understanding of the things you enjoy, your learning experience will be something you look forward to. More pleasure and more knowledge add up to an enriched lifestyle, so go ahead â€" learn new things and have fun in the process. Conclusion In summary, you shouldn’t view learning as a career necessity that ends with a college degree â€" you should make it a lifelong thing. Continuous improvement of you skills andknowledge make you a more valuable job prospect to employers, more accepting of new ideas and cultures, and more satisfied with your personal life. Education also increases your confidence and improves your overall health. Don’t forget that education brings benefits to both your professional and private lives. The truth of this may encourage you to seek more educational opportunities. You’ll find that when you learn more about the things you like, it’s an investment of time and money that always pays off in the end. Jill Phillipsis a freelance writer from Buffalo, NY. She is an aspiring entrepreneur and tech enthusiast, who loves to share her insight on various topics. When she is not writing, Jill enjoys taking photos and hiking with her dog. Connect with Jill via Twitter@jillphlps Like what you just read? Share it with your friends using the buttons above. Like What You Read? Get Career Pivot Insights Check out the Repurpose Your Career Podcast Do You Need Help With ...

Monday, May 11, 2020

The Post Wedding Vegas Group Trip

The Post Wedding Vegas Group Trip The Post Wedding Vegas Group Trip || An Airbnb Mansion With A Pool Home Life, Lifestyle April 6, 2017 0 Comments  Photo Credit: Airbnb Owner PhotoSince our wedding in mid-March, I’ve been asked about our honeymoon constantly. What we actually decided to do right after the wedding was to spend time with friends and family that flew in from out of state and out of the country. We spent a lot of time in the Carlsbad, California area with the family immediately following the wedding, and later in the week went to Vegas for a 3 day trip with my closest friends since college.. which brings me to this post today!I’ve been to Vegas countless times, and I have to say this was by far the best time I’ve had in Vegas! We stayed at an off-the-strip Airbnb (Secret Garden Ruby) that one of my friends found online. In addition to a meticulously maintained and decorated house, it had a really nice pool, pool-side grill station, a nicely equipped kitchen fully stocked with appliances and enough bedrooms and bathrooms for the 12 of us.Here are 3 reasons why nowa days I much prefer an Airbnb place over a hotel on the strip in Vegas:1) More EconomicalFor a 2-night stay for the 12 of us, the cost averaged out to be about $200  per person. Take the same amount, you can hardly find a half decent hotel on the strip. If you’re thinking about staying at a place like the Wynn, Bellagio, or Palazzo, good luck finding a 2-night stay for under $300.2) More IntimateFor almost an entire day, we cooked together in the kitchen, chilled and sipped champagne together by the pool, played board games together in the living room, and laughed and talked and laughed some more. It was such a quality time spent with a large group. This wouldn’t have been possible if we stayed in hotel rooms. Not only would the rooms not be big enough, when we all gathered in one room, the other rooms would be wasted.3) More Freedom and FlexibilityLastly, which is the most important factor, is the freedom flexibility the Airbnb gave us. We could blast out own music with our ow n portable speaker, we could lay out drinks by the pool, we could have any kind of food we wanted to as long as we could make it, and we stayed up late until 2 AM and woke up to homemade brunch at 9 AM. We had such a no strings attached, open agenda, and we-do-what-we-want kind of quality time together. I would not have done it any other way!Are you planning a Spring break trip somewhere? Don’t forget a cute pool side towel, straw hat, and a white one-piece swimsuit! Round Towel Co. Round Towel Co. 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All opinions are mine.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Tips On Writing Resume For Government Positions

Tips On Writing Resume For Government PositionsThere are a number of ways that you can write a resume for government positions. The reality is that the most well-liked resumes are the ones that have been professionally written and make a person stand out from the crowd. It should be a resume that shows off all the best attributes of the person applying for the position, as well as making them stand out from the crowd. With this in mind, there are a few tips that you should take note of when it comes to writing resumes for government positions.o First, do not be afraid to use a resume template when writing a resume for government positions. Resumes that are standard and have only one page to them are losing people. One-page resumes are great, but they do not give the employer much opportunity to look at all of the things that the individual has done. A template should have many sections, including the ability to input text. It is important to know that there are different types of tem plates and which one is the best to use.o The next important thing to take note of is the actual size of the font that is used. People are used to reading on smaller computers these days, so it is imperative that the font is not too small to the eyes. Another thing to consider is that the font should be appealing to the eye. Individuals do not want a dark, cool type font that they find difficult to read. If they need to go to a website to check out the resume, then they want something that they will like.o People do not want a resume that is very busy or hard to read. They want a resume that is clear and easy to read. People can get distracted by a lot of information on a resume. It should also be easy to scan through for the other requirements that are required.o Thereare a lot of things that can be added to a resume. Personal references and the likes can add to the resume as well. The best resumes, however, are the ones that show the employer what exactly the person has done for t heir company, or for some government agency, in the past.o Remember that formatting is an important part of the resume. The wording should be able to be taken in and understood by people without having to go through so many fonts or text styles. People do not want to have to deal with so many different types of formatting tools when they are trying to read a resume.o When it comes to making sure that a resume looks right, people should pay attention to the spacing between the paragraphs. If there is too much text, it will make the reader lose focus on the important points of the resume. People do not want a resume that looks disorganized or confusing. The tone of the resume is also a factor that should be considered before sending it in.o Finally, when it comes to creating a resume that is good for the company that is hiring, the next most important thing to consider is how you wish to be portrayed in the resume. People want to feel comfortable in knowing that they are being accepte d for a position based on who they are, not what they did. The important thing to remember is that this is an important job that you have and it is worth working on.